THE PARTY Swaths of punchy pinks filled the room as patrons gathered in support of Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer.
Jessica Bolander and Rocky Binswanger
THE PEOPLE Executive Director Leslie Ficke, along with event chairs Lara Francis and Jessica Dale, greeted guests including Catherine Woodall, Sarah Conway, Eugenia Cass, Jane Wallingford, Andrea Cheek, Kate Boatright, Ashley Cole, Abby Gallivan and more.
DJ Romiqu hit all the high notes.
THE PINNACLE Clinical social worker for children’s health Jennifer Maness spoke to the crowd on the incredible impact Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer has had on the community and how, in 2022, the foundation was able to serve 352 cases helping alleviate pain and provide care for families in need. The day’s festivities exceeded expectations, raising nearly $300,000 toward the incredibly heartfelt cause.
Caroline Flanigan, Jessica Dale and Chelsea Hunt
Mel Horne, Samantha Wortley, Caroline Chandler and Brittani Frankowiak